
Spot Loads

What is a Spot Load?

A spot load is a term iWantFuel uses to define loads which are being sold at extremely competitive prices. Spot loads are loads provided by trusted and tested suppliers registered on iWantFuel.co.za (only vetted and tested suppliers will be allowed to provide spot loads on the IWF platform).

All iWantFuel customers have access to the ‘Spot loads’ module. Spot loads are only available within a certain radius as specified by the supplier.

What is the risk?

iWantFuel.co.za has once again removed the risk element. Once you order a spot load, the load will be closed to other buyers.

Upon ordering, the iWantFuel system will automatically send all documentation to you, including the required pro-forma invoice information. You will then have 60 minutes to transfer the invoice amount into our secure escrow account.

Once your funds reflect as available and cleared, the iWantFuel system will send secure release notes to the supplier with instructions to deliver the load.

All spot loads are delivered with 24 Hours.


Suppliers will get paid on actual litres delivered. If a delivery was short, We will refund any under literage.

If for any reason the supplier did not deliver the product or the product specifications were not up to standard, then iWantFuel will source another load or refund your funds in full.

When will I see spot loads?

Spot loads are posted as we receive them. If you are located within a specified radius of the load, you will receive an SMS and an email notification.

NB: Spot loads are first come first serve.... so do not waste any time.

Please feel free to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. should you require any additional information.

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